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1277. A Chouinard ice ax/hammer, similar to the one on this page:

From Scotty Fulton's collection
1278. An ox shoe:

1279. A piece of anti-bird hardware, made to prevent birds from landing, roosting and nesting in inappropriate places.

These next two were submitted by visitors:
1280. A ring clamp, used to hold a ring or any other small object while working on it, patent number 327,558:

1281. Don't yet know what this was for:

1282. A gunpowder tester, photographed at the Frasier International History Museum.
Because gunpowder varied in explosive power, gunsmiths needed devices to test particular batches. By the 1500's, elaborate powder testers were available. This one resembles contemporary military pistols and may have belonged to a military gunsmith. Pulling the trigger ignited a measured amount of powder in the tube atop the tester, turning and locking a spring-loaded, numbered wheel. The number at which the wheel stopped indicated the powder's strength. The development of self-contained cartridges during the 1800's made powder testers obsolete.

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